Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I most likely won’t do any more triathlons this year. I was considering the Richmond Sprint in October, but there are other things going on that weekend that I’d also like to do. Not having a specific event to train for has given me time for other activities. I’ve been to the Iowa State Fair and the Green Valley Auction and Book Fair in Mt. Crawford. I’ve thought about redecorating my house, and last weekend I started to refinish a headboard that’s been sitting next to my bed for the past two months. Since I decided I really didn’t like the color of the wood stain I’d chosen, that’s still a “work in progress.” I’m thinking about enrolling in a writing seminar at UR. Of course, I’m still doing the Masters Swim at UR, the TG run on Thursday mornings, and twice weekly strength training, but that’s exercise for health’s sake, not “training.”

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