Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Strategy May Be Working

My plan to earn a Setup Events Age Group Award hinges on doing more events than anyone else in my age group. After one event, I was ranked 7/7, but after two, I’m now 2/9. The woman in first place has also done two events, and she’s speedier than I am, so if she does two more events (it takes at least four to qualify for an award), she’ll stay ahead of me. If any of the women ranked below me now, who’ve each done one event, did more events, they could move up, too, because judging by their times for the events they did, they’re also faster than I am. My third event in this series will be the 3Sports Sprint at Shady Grove on July 20, and I’m considering either the Patriot in September or the “Big Nut” in October, or maybe both for good measure.


Kate said...

Yay, perseverance and hard work wins out. I say go for both races!

Sarah said...

Just so you know, in order to qualify for the awards, you have to do at least four events in the series. Go for both!

Unknown said...

I say do them all!
